To order premade items, simply email us and tell us what you'd like. We'll get back to you soon with final cost including shipping (we ship US postal). Then you can send us a check (made out to Hillary Hoffman) or cash at our mailing address. Upon receipt of payment, your unique Brisingamen Beading design will be sent to your home! To order a custom design, please send us an email describing your unique vision. Don't forget that any of our formats can become a necklace, bracelet, or anklet. Take this into consideration, and please specify length. Also, specify colors (seed beads come in just about every color of the rainbow) and charms, where applicable. You'll receive a response in a couple days to either give you the final cost or to tell you about any snafus that may have arisen trying to get the exact color/designs you wanted. As described above, you may then send us check or cash, and we'll send you your jewelry. NOTE: For customs, a couple weeks may pass before you receive your design. Any complaints/compliments/suggestions may also be sent to this address. Click below! Send payment to: 3716 Devonshire Drive Salisbury, MD 21804-2517 | |